Simple Term Sheet

Simple Term Sheet

I. Introduction

This Term Sheet serves as the fundamental document summarizing the key elements of the investment proposal between [Investor Name] and [Your Company Name].

This document outlines the principal terms and conditions proposed for the investment and is intended to serve as a basis for drafting more detailed legally binding documents. It is non-binding except for the confidentiality and exclusivity sections, and all terms are subject to further negotiation.

The purpose of this Term Sheet is to provide both parties with a clear and efficient overview of the expectations and obligations involved. It sets the stage for building a strong professional relationship grounded in transparency and mutual benefit.

II. Investment Details

The following details encapsulate the primary investment terms between [Investor Name] and [Your Company Name]:

  • Amount of Investment: [Amount]

  • Type of Equity: [Type of Equity]

  • Percentage of Ownership Offered: [Percentage]%

  • Valuation of Company: [Valuation]

  • Closing Date of Transaction: [Closing Date]

III. Conditions Precedent

To facilitate a smooth transaction, certain conditions must be met prior to the closure of the investment. These conditions serve to protect both parties and ensure that the investment conforms to agreed standards and regulations.

Compliance with these terms is mandatory and any failure to meet them may result in re-evaluation or termination of the proposed investment.

  • Successful completion of due diligence by [Date]

  • Approval by Board of [Your Company Name]

  • Ensure regulatory compliance and obtain necessary government approvals.

IV. Use of Proceeds

The capital raised from this investment will be applied towards driving growth and development of [Your Company Name] in the following areas:

  • Expansion of operational capacity

  • Research and development of new products/services

  • Enhancement of sales and marketing efforts

  • Optimization of existing projects and technologies

V. Governance

To ensure effective management and strategic direction following the investment, governance terms outline the rights of [Investor Name] as a significant stakeholder in [Your Company Name].

This section is sensitive and crucial in maintaining the balance of power within the organization post-investment.

  • Appointment of [Investor Number] board members by [Investor Name]

  • Frequency of board meetings and reporting requirements

  • Decision-making process and voting rights on key business decisions

VI. Confidentiality

All information exchanged during the negotiation and listed in this Term Sheet should be treated as confidential. Neither party will disclose any information to third parties without the prior written consent of the other party.

This confidentiality clause is binding upon both parties, irrespective of whether the investment is ultimately executed or not.

Both parties agree that it is in their mutual interest to maintain the confidentiality of not only this Term Sheet but also any ensuing negotiations and agreements.

VII. Exclusivity

The exclusivity clause prevents [Your Company Name] from engaging in discussions or negotiations with other potential investors for a period of [Exclusive Time Period] from the date of signing this Term Sheet.

This clause is binding and ensures that [Investor Name] has the sole right to negotiate and potentially invest within this specified timeframe.

The purpose of this exclusivity clause is to protect the investment being considered by [Investor Name] and to prevent competitive negotiations which could adversely affect the terms of the investment.

VIII. Signatures

This Term Sheet is intended as a summary of the main aspects of the proposed agreement and is not legally binding, except for the confidentiality and exclusivity provisions.

It serves as a precursor to the detailed and legally binding agreements that will be drafted upon acceptance of these terms.

[Investor Name]

[Representative Name]


[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]


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