Term Sheet for Joint Venture


I. Introduction

This joint venture term sheet ("Term Sheet") is entered into by and between "Party A", represented by [Party A's Name], Chief Executive Officer, and "Party B", represented by [Party B's Name], Director of Operations, collectively referred to as the "Parties." The Parties agree to collaborate on a joint venture to revolutionize the renewable energy sector by developing innovative solar energy solutions. Sunshine Innovations Inc. will serve as the facilitator of this joint venture, ensuring smooth coordination and communication between the Parties.

II. Objectives

The primary objective of this joint venture is to design, manufacture, and market state-of-the-art solar panels that are more efficient and cost-effective than current industry standards. Additionally, the Parties aim to achieve the following:

  • Establish a strong market presence in key geographical regions.

  • Develop scalable solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial solar energy needs.

III. Contributions

Each Party shall contribute the following resources, assets, or expertise to the joint venture:



Party A

- Manufacturing facilities in [Location]

- Research and development expertise in solar technology

Party B

- Extensive distribution network reaching [Number] countries

- Marketing and sales expertise in the renewable energy sector

Sunshine Innovations Inc.

- Technical support and guidance throughout the product development lifecycle

IV. Ownership Structure

The ownership structure of the joint venture shall be as follows:

  • Party A: 60% ownership

  • Party B: 30% ownership

  • Sunshine Innovations Inc.: 10% ownership

V. Management

The management of the joint venture shall be overseen by a management committee composed of representatives from each Party. Responsibilities of the management committee include:

  • Strategic planning and decision-making processes.

  • Allocation of resources and budget management.

  • Monitoring project progress and ensuring alignment with business objectives.

VI. Governance

The joint venture shall be governed by a board of directors, consisting of representatives from each Party and Sunshine Innovations Inc. The board shall meet quarterly to review and approve strategic decisions, financial matters, and operational performance.

VII. Term and Termination

The initial term of the joint venture shall be five (5) years unless terminated earlier by the provisions herein. The joint venture may be terminated under the following conditions:

  • Mutual agreement of the Parties following a 60-day notice period.

  • A material breach of terms by any Party.

  • Bankruptcy or insolvency of any Party.

VIII. Intellectual Property

Any intellectual property developed or utilized during the joint venture shall be jointly owned by the Parties, with usage rights as follows:

  • Party A: Granted exclusive manufacturing rights.

  • Party B: Granted exclusive distribution and marketing rights.

  • Sunshine Innovations Inc.: Retains the right to utilize intellectual property for future research and development purposes.

IX. Confidentiality

The Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information shared during the joint venture, including but not limited to trade secrets, financial data, and customer information. Non-disclosure agreements shall be executed as necessary to protect sensitive information.

X. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising between the Parties shall be resolved through mediation, with arbitration as a secondary option if mediation fails to reach a resolution. The mediation and arbitration procedures shall be conducted per the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.

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