LLC Term Sheet

LLC Investment Term Sheet

1. Introduction

This Term Sheet ("Term Sheet") outlines the principal terms and conditions for a proposed investment in [Your Company Name] (the "Company") by [Investor Name] ("Investor"). The purpose of this Term Sheet is to summarize the basic parameters of the investment to facilitate further discussion and negotiation of a formal operating agreement or investment contract. The terms outlined herein are subject to change and are not legally binding except as outlined in a definitive agreement.

2. Investment Details

A. Investment Amount

The Investor agrees to provide a total investment of $500,000 in exchange for 20% ownership of the Company. The investment will be made in cash and will be used for expanding production capacity and marketing efforts to drive sales growth.

B. Ownership Structure

Upon completion of the investment, the ownership of the Company will be allocated as follows:

  • Investor: 20%

  • Current Members: 80%

C. Management and Governance

The management of the Company will be governed by an Operating Agreement to be executed concurrently with this investment. The key management responsibilities will include:

  • Board of Managers: The Board will consist of 5 members, including [Investor's Representative].

  • Management Roles: The roles of CEO, CFO, and other key positions will be determined as per the Operating Agreement.

3. Distribution and Exit

A. Distribution Policy

Profits and losses will be distributed among members in proportion to their ownership interest. Distribution will be made annually based on financial performance.

B. Exit Strategy

Profits and losses will be distributed among members in proportion to their ownership interest. Distribution will be made annually based on financial performance.

  • Buyback Option: The Company may have the option to buy back the Investor's shares after 5 years from the date of the investment.

  • Sale of Company: The Investor will have the right to participate in any sale or merger of the Company, with the terms and conditions outlined in the Operating Agreement.

4. Miscellaneous Provisions

A. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to keep confidential all information exchanged during negotiations and related to the Company's business. This includes but is not limited to financial records, business strategies, customer lists, and proprietary technology. Confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of this agreement.

B. Governing Law

This Term Sheet will be governed by and construed by the laws of [State/Country], without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be exclusively resolved by the courts of [State/Country].

C. Other Terms

Additional terms and conditions may be agreed upon between the parties in subsequent agreements. This Term Sheet serves as a preliminary agreement and does not constitute a legally binding contract. The final agreement will incorporate the terms outlined herein and any other negotiated provisions deemed necessary for the investment transaction. Each party acknowledges its obligation to act in good faith during negotiations and towards the fulfillment of the investment terms. Any amendments or modifications to this Term Sheet must be made in writing and signed by both parties to be valid and enforceable.

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