Free Travel Agency Handover Checklist Template



Free Travel Agency Handover Checklist Template

Travel Agency Handover Checklist

Please follow the steps outlined in this handover checklist to ensure a seamless transition of responsibilities. Ensure each item is checked off as it is completed, and use the "Completed By" and "Date" columns to track the progress of the handover.

Action Required

Completed By


Review and update all client files and transfer relevant documents to the new handler.

Provide a status update on all current projects, including upcoming deadlines and client needs.

List all scheduled meetings and appointments with clients and suppliers. Inform all parties of the change in personnel.

Share a list of key contacts within and outside the organization that are critical to ongoing operations.

Transfer all necessary system and software logins, ensuring the new handler has access to required tools.

Update on pending invoices, payments, and any financial responsibilities that need to be monitored.

Prepare a comprehensive briefing document detailing any specific client preferences, ongoing negotiations, or sensitive issues.

Schedule a final meeting to discuss any outstanding issues and confirm understanding of all items handed over.

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