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Salon Special Event Preparation Checklist

Salon Special Event
Preparation Checklist

Instructions for Use: This checklist is designed to guide our team through the preparation process for special events hosted at our salon. Ensure each task is completed in advance to guarantee a smooth, successful event.

Preparation Task



Schedule additional staff for the event

Brief team on event details and roles


Promote event on social media and website

Send out event invitations via email

Prepare signage and banners for the event

Venue Setup

Arrange furniture for event layout

Decorate venue according to theme

Set up a welcome station


Test all audio/visual equipment

Set up playlist or hire DJ


Order catering for event

Arrange tables for food and drinks

Client Experience

Prepare gift bags or promotional materials

Set up a photo booth or backdrop for photos


Plan staffing for clean-up

Send thank-you emails to attendees

Review event success and gather feedback

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