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Interior Design Consultation Checklist

Interior Design Consultation Checklist

This checklist is designed to be used during the consultation to guide the discussion and ensure all relevant information is gathered to proceed with the design project effectively.


Details to Discuss


Client Information

Name, Contact Information

  • Pending

  • Done

Project Overview

Type of Space (Residential/Commercial), Scope of Project

  • Pending

  • Done

Design Preferences

Style Preferences (Modern, Traditional, etc.), Color Schemes

  • Pending

  • Done

Functional Requirements

Space Usage, Furniture Needs, Special Accommodations

  • Pending

  • Done


Total Budget, Cost Allocations, Financial Constraints

  • Pending

  • Done


Project Start Date, Key Milestones, Completion Date

  • Pending

  • Done

Existing Furniture/Decor

Items to Keep, Renovate, or Replace

  • Pending

  • Done


Floor Plan Availability, Room Dimensions

  • Pending

  • Done

Inspirational References

Client’s Inspirational Images or Themes

  • Pending

  • Done

Special Requests

Any specific requests or needs (e.g., sustainability)

  • Pending

  • Done

Next Steps

Summary of the consultation, planned follow-up actions

  • Pending

  • Done

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