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Restaurant Table Reservation Checklist

Restaurant Table Reservation Checklist

This Restaurant Table Reservation Checklist ensures a seamless reservation process, customer satisfaction, and compliance with US laws. Follow each step to verify details, confirm reservations, prepare tables, and maintain records, ensuring an excellent dining experience for every guest.

Customer Name:

[Your Client / Subscriber / User Name]

Contact Number:


Email Address:

[Your Client / Subscriber / User Email]

Reservation Date:

[Month, Day, Year]

Reservation Time:

[7:00 PM]

Number of Guests:


Special Requests:

[Vegetarian meals, window seating]

Prepared by:

[Your Name]



[Month, Day, Year]

Confirmation Process

  • Verify customer contact details.

  • Confirm reservation date and time.

  • Confirm number of guests.

  • Note any special requests

Table Allocation

  • Check availability of tables.

  • Assign table(s) according to the number of guests and special requests.

  • Mark the reserved table(s) in the booking system.

  • Ensure table(s) meet accessibility standards if required.

Follow-Up Procedures

  • Send reservation confirmation via email or SMS.

  • Call customer to confirm reservation details 24 hours before the reservation.

  • Update any changes in the booking system.

Table Preparation

  • Set up reserved table(s) 30 minutes before the reservation time.

  • Ensure table(s) are clean and properly set.

  • Place reserved sign on the table.

  • Accommodate any special requests

Arrival and Seating

  • Greet the customer upon arrival.

  • Confirm reservation details with the customer.

  • Escort customer to the reserved table.

  • Offer to take coats or other personal items if applicable.

Post-Reservation Follow-Up

  • Thank the customer for dining with us.

  • Request feedback on their experience.

  • Send a thank you email with a request for a review.

  • Update the reservation system with any notes on the customer’s preferences for future reference.

Compliance and Record Keeping

  • Ensure all customer data is handled in compliance with US privacy laws (e.g., CCPA).

  • Keep a secure record of reservations for at least 30 days for contact tracing purposes, if required.

  • Maintain records of customer feedback and any issues for quality improvement.

Emergency Procedures

  • Have a plan in place for managing overbookings.

  • Ensure staff is trained on emergency evacuation procedures.

  • Keep emergency contact numbers accessible.

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