Time On Task Datasheet

Time On Task Datasheet


This Time On Task Datasheet is intended to capture detailed information about task durations and progress. Each task entry should be filled out accurately to facilitate effective project management and resource allocation. For any questions or clarifications, please contact [Your Company Name].


I. Task Information

Task Name: [Enter Task Name/Description]

Assigned Personnel: [Assigned Personnel Name]

Project/Activity Code: [Project or Activity Code]

Task Details

Time Information

Start Time:

[Start Time]

End Time:

[End Time]


[Duration Calculated]


[Additional Notes or Comments]


II. Summary

  • Total Tasks Completed: [Number of Tasks]

  • Total Time Spent: [Total Time Calculated]

  • Average Duration per Task: [Average Duration]

III. Notes/Instructions

  • Please ensure accurate recording of start and end times for each task.

  • Include relevant comments or notes to provide context or highlight key observations.

  • Submit this datasheet by [Submission Deadline].

IV. Additional Tips

  • Utilize a consistent format for recording start and end times (e.g., HH: MM AM/PM).

  • Double-check calculations for accuracy in duration and total time spent.

  • Encourage team members to provide detailed comments to enhance understanding and future analysis.


Datasheet Templates @ Template.net