Architecture Maintenance Checklist

Architecture Maintenance Checklist

Welcome to the Architecture Maintenance Checklist. This tool ensures the ongoing health and reliability of our system architecture. Simply review each section, mark completed tasks with a tick, and communicate any updates to relevant stakeholders.

I. Documentation Review

  • Updated architecture diagrams

  • Ensured documentation accuracy

  • Verified consistency with implementation

  • Communicated changes to stakeholders

II. Security Assessment

  • Reviewed security measures and protocols

  • Identified vulnerabilities and risks

  • Ensured compliance with standards

  • Implemented necessary security controls

III. Performance Evaluation

  • Assessed system performance against benchmarks

  • Identified performance bottlenecks

  • Developed optimization strategies

  • Planned for scalability and capacity

IV. Dependency Management

  • Reviewed external dependencies

  • Updated dependencies and patches

  • Evaluated impact on architecture

  • Communicated changes to teams

V. Code Quality

  • Reviewed adherence to coding standards

  • Identified code smells and anti-patterns

  • Planned for refactoring efforts

  • Provided feedback to developers

VI. Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Reviewed test coverage and effectiveness

  • Identified areas for additional testing

  • Ensured robustness and reliability

  • Addressed identified defects

VII. Compliance and Governance

  • Ensured compliance with regulations

  • Reviewed governance processes

  • Ensured adherence to guidelines

  • Provided guidance to teams

VIII. Monitoring and Logging

  • Reviewed monitoring infrastructure

  • Ensured visibility into system behavior

  • Identified gaps in monitoring coverage

  • Implemented improvements as needed

IX. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

  • Reviewed disaster recovery plans

  • Tested failover mechanisms

  • Ensured readiness for emergencies

  • Communicated procedures to teams

X. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Gathered feedback from stakeholders

  • Identified areas for improvement

  • Incorporated improvements into processes

  • Communicated changes to stakeholders

Architecture Templates @