Free Middle School Incident Report Template



Free Middle School Incident Report Template

Middle School Incident Report

I. Report Details

Report Prepared By

[Your Name]

Report Date

May 28, 2050

Report Time

1:00 PM

School Name

[Your Company Name]

Contact Email

[Your Email]

II. Incident Details

  • Incident Date: May 28, 2050

  • Incident Time: 12:30 PM

  • Location: School playground near the swings

  • Description: On May 28, 2050, around 12:30 PM, students John Smith and Sarah Johnson were involved in a shoving match near the swings on the playground, which escalated until Ms. Rodriguez and other teachers intervened. Witnesses included Emily Brown and Michael Turner.

III. Parties Involved

Student 1

John Smith

Student 2

Sarah Johnson


Emily Brown, Michael Turner

School Staff Involved

Ms. Rodriguez

IV. Detailed Account

The altercation between John Smith and Sarah Johnson began when John was using the swings, and Sarah approached, wanting to use them as well. An argument ensued over who had the right to use the swings next, escalating into a physical confrontation. John pushed Sarah, and Sarah responded by shoving him back. The situation quickly escalated as they exchanged more pushes and shoves, drawing the attention of nearby students.

Witnesses reported that John and Sarah were both shouting at each other during the altercation, with Sarah accusing John of cutting in line for the swings and John insisting that he had been there first. The confrontation only ended when Ms. Rodriguez arrived on the scene and separated the two students. Both John and Sarah were visibly upset and were taken to the principal's office for further disciplinary action.

V. Actions Taken

  • Immediate Actions: John and Sarah were separated, and Ms. Rodriguez intervened to stop the altercation. They were taken to the principal's office for further disciplinary action.

  • Disciplinary Actions: Pending investigation and discussion with the principal, further disciplinary actions will be determined.

  • Follow-Up Actions: Counseling will be offered to both students to address the underlying issues that led to the altercation. The school will also conduct a review of playground rules and supervision to prevent similar incidents in the future.

VI. Additional Notes

  • The school will follow up with the students' parents to inform them of the incident and the actions taken.

  • The incident will be documented in the school's records for future reference.

VII. Contact Details

Report Prepared By: [Your Name]

Contact Number: [Your Company Number]

Date: May 28, 2050

This Incident Report is made under the organization [Your Company Name].

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