Daycare Incident Report

Daycare Incident Report

I. Incident Details

A. Incident Information

  • Date and Time: May 15, 2050, 10:30 AM

  • Location: Playground Area

  • Child Involved: Emily Johnson

  • Age of Child: 4

  • Description of Incident: Emily fell off the swing and scraped her knee.

B. Witnesses

  • Primary Witness: Sarah Smith

  • Secondary Witness: Mark Davis

II. Actions Taken

A. Immediate Response

  • Action Taken: Comforted Emily and cleaned her wound.

  • Person Responsible: Teacher, Ms. Samantha

B. Medical Attention

  • Was Medical Attention Required?: No

  • Type of Medical Attention: First aid for minor scrapes

  • Medical Professional Involved: N/A

C. Communication with Parents

  • Time Notified: 11:00 AM

  • Method of Notification: Phone call

  • Parent/Guardian Informed: Yes

III. Follow-Up

A. Incident Investigation

  • Person Conducting Investigation: Supervisor, Mr. Johnson

  • Findings: The incident occurred due to a slip while swinging; no negligence was observed.

B. Preventive Measures

Measures Implemented:

  • Increased supervision during outdoor play

  • Review of playground safety guidelines with staff

C. Follow-Up Communication

  • Communication with Parents: Parents were reassured of Emily's well-being and provided with an incident report.

  • Feedback Received: Parents appreciated prompt notification and care provided.

IV. Conclusion

Based on the information gathered and the actions taken, the incident has been addressed appropriately. Further monitoring and preventive measures will be in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all children under our care.

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