Free 3 Year Old Preschool Progress Report Template



Free 3 Year Old Preschool Progress Report Template

3 Year Old Preschool Progress Report

Student Name: Jane Young
Date of Birth: January 15, 2047
Report Date: June 4, 2050
Teacher: [Your Name]
School: [Your Company Name]
Contact Information: [Your Company Email], [Your Company Number]

I. Personal and Social Development

A. Interpersonal Skills

Interaction with Peers:

  • Jane actively participates in group activities, often taking on a leadership role.

  • She shows empathy and kindness towards her classmates, helping others when they are upset.

  • Jane demonstrates excellent sharing and turn-taking skills during playtime.

Interaction with Adults:

  • Jane responds well to guidance and instructions from teachers.

  • She has established a strong trust and rapport with all classroom staff.

B. Self-Regulation

Emotional Control:

  • Jane manages her emotions appropriately in different settings, showing calmness during transitions.

  • She demonstrates patience and resilience, especially during challenging tasks.


  • Jane consistently follows classroom rules and routines without reminders.

  • She exhibits self-control and takes responsibility for her actions.

II. Cognitive Development

A. Language and Literacy


  • Jane speaks in complete sentences and uses a rich vocabulary for her age.

  • She actively participates in conversations and enjoys storytelling with her peers.

Pre-Reading Skills:

  • Jane recognizes and names all the letters of the alphabet.

  • She enjoys being read to and shows a good understanding of the stories.

B. Mathematical Thinking

Number Sense:

  • Jane counts confidently to 20 and understands the concept of numbers.

  • She recognizes basic shapes and colors, often pointing them out in her environment.


  • Jane sorts objects by category and completes age-appropriate puzzles with ease.

  • She shows curiosity and enthusiasm when solving problems.

III. Physical Development

A. Fine Motor Skills

Hand-Eye Coordination:

  • Jane uses scissors to cut simple shapes accurately.

  • She draws recognizable figures and basic letters with increasing precision.

Manipulative Skills:

  • Jane builds complex structures with blocks, demonstrating good spatial awareness.

  • She uses utensils and tools effectively, showing good control.

B. Gross Motor Skills


  • Jane runs, jumps, and climbs with confidence, showing strong coordination.

  • She eagerly participates in group physical activities, often encouraging others to join.

IV. Creative Arts

A. Art


  • Jane enjoys drawing, painting, and crafting, often experimenting with new techniques.

  • She uses a variety of materials to create detailed and imaginative art projects.


Jane identifies colors and shapes in artwork and describes them accurately.

B. Music and Movement


  • Jane sings songs and rhymes with enthusiasm and accuracy.

  • She moves rhythmically to music, showing a natural sense of rhythm.


  • Jane shows interest in different types of music and often asks to listen to new songs.

  • She engages in dance and creative movement, expressing herself freely.

V. Areas for Improvement and Goals

A. Target Areas

  1. Social Interaction:

    • Encourage Jane to engage in more collaborative play with a wider variety of peers.

    • Foster deeper friendships and teamwork through structured group activities.

  2. Language Development:

    • Expand Jane's vocabulary through daily reading and conversation.

    • Practice storytelling and expressive language to enhance her narrative skills.

B. Goals for Next Term

  1. Cognitive Skills:

    • Enhance Jane's number recognition and basic math skills through fun, interactive games.

    • Introduce simple science concepts through hands-on exploration and experiments.

  2. Physical Activities:

    • Improve Jane's balance and coordination with diverse physical activities, such as obstacle courses.

    • Develop fine motor skills further through more complex arts and crafts projects.

Teacher's Comments:
Jane has shown remarkable progress this term, especially in her social interactions and language skills. She is a joy to have in the classroom and always has a positive attitude. We look forward to continuing her development in the coming term.

[Your Name]

June 4, 2050

Parent's Comments:
Jane has made wonderful strides this term. We are thrilled with her progress and appreciate the dedication of her teachers. I look forward to her continued growth.

Claire A. Young

June 5, 2050

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