Spa Maintenance Checklist

Spa Maintenance Checklist

This Spa Maintenance Checklist is designed to ensure the safety, cleanliness, and efficiency of your spa facilities. Use it as a guide for regular inspections and maintenance tasks to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for your patrons. Regular maintenance is key to preventing downtime and costly repairs.

General Maintenance

  • Check all doors and windows for proper operation and seals.

  • Inspect walls, floors, and ceilings for any signs of damage or wear.

  • Ensure all lighting fixtures are functioning properly.

  • Test and replace air filters as needed.

  • Check and clean HVAC system filters and vents.

  • Inspect and replace fire extinguishers if necessary.

  • Verify that emergency exits are clear and accessible.

Water System

  • Test and adjust pH and chlorine levels in the water.

  • Clean and sanitize all filters.

  • Inspect and clean spa jets for proper operation.

  • Drain and refill the spa as recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Check and clean the spa's skimmer and pump baskets.


  • Inspect and clean spa covers.

  • Test and calibrate temperature and pressure gauges.

  • Check and lubricate spa pump motors.

  • Inspect and clean spa heaters.

  • Test and replace any faulty spa control panels or switches.

  • Inspect and clean spa filters.

  • Check and clean spa drains and suction fittings.

  • Verify the proper functioning of spa timers and thermostats.


  • Ensure all safety signs and labels are legible and in place.

  • Test and replace any damaged or non-functioning safety equipment (e.g., grab bars, non-slip mats).

  • Inspect and clean all spa surfaces to prevent slip hazards.

  • Verify the correct operation of spa emergency shut-off switches.

Record Keeping

  • Maintain a log of all maintenance activities, including dates and actions taken.

  • Keep records of all equipment inspections and repairs.

  • Document any incidents or accidents that occur in the spa area.

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