Free Charge Nurse Brain Report Template



Free Charge Nurse Brain Report Template


Report Prepared By: [Your Name], Charge Nurse

I. Patient Information

Patient Name

Room Number


Primary Care Needs

John Doe



Oxygen therapy, IV fluids

Jane Smith


Post-op Hip Replacement

Pain management, mobility

Alan Brown


Congestive Heart Failure

Diuretics, daily weights

Emma Davis



Physical therapy, speech therapy

Michael Lee



Nebulizer treatments, O2 monitoring

Olivia Clark


Diabetes Mellitus

Insulin therapy, blood glucose monitoring

Sarah Williams


Acute Kidney Injury

Dialysis, fluid restriction

John Johnson



Antibiotics, hemodynamic monitoring

II. Clinical Updates

A. Patient Conditions

  • John Doe: Stable, improving with current treatment.

  • Jane Smith: Recovering well, pain under control.

  • Alan Brown: Monitoring fluid balance closely.

  • Emma Davis: Gradual improvement in mobility.

  • Michael Lee: Stable, responding well to nebulizer treatments.

  • Olivia Clark: Blood glucose levels are stabilizing with the new insulin regimen.

  • Sarah Williams: Responding to dialysis, urine output improving.

  • John Johnson: Hemodynamically stable, fever reduced.

B. Recent Changes

  • John Doe: Decreased oxygen requirement.

  • Jane Smith: Transitioning to oral pain medication.

  • Alan Brown: Adjusted diuretic dosage.

  • Emma Davis: Starting new speech therapy exercises.

  • Michael Lee: Increased frequency of nebulizer treatments.

  • Olivia Clark: Adjusted insulin dosage based on latest glucose readings.

  • Sarah Williams: New dialysis schedule implemented.

  • John Johnson: The antibiotic regimen was changed based on the culture results.

C. Test Results

  • John Doe: Chest X-ray shows reduced infiltrates.

  • Jane Smith: Blood tests are normal, and post-op recovery is progressing.

  • Alan Brown: Echo shows improved ejection fraction.

  • Emma Davis: CT scan shows no new ischemic changes.

  • Michael Lee: Pulmonary function test indicates slight improvement.

  • Olivia Clark: HbA1c levels improving, indicating better long-term glucose control.

  • Sarah Williams: Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels decreasing.

  • John Johnson: Blood cultures negative, indicating infection control.

III. Staff Assignments

Nurse Name

Assigned Patients

Nurse A

John Doe, Jane Smith

Nurse B

Alan Brown, Emma Davis

Nurse C

Michael Lee, Olivia Clark

Nurse D

Sarah Williams, John Johnson

Nursing Assistant E

General Support

IV. Tasks and Priorities


Priority Level

Assigned Staff

Administer morning medications


Nurse A

Conduct patient rounds


Nurse B

Update patient charts


Nursing Assistant E

Prepare discharge for Jane Smith


Nurse A

Assist with mobility exercises for Emma Davis


Nurse B

Monitor blood glucose for Olivia Clark


Nurse C

Initiate dialysis for Sarah Williams


Nurse D

Administer antibiotics to John Johnson


Nurse D

Prepare new admissions (John Johnson, Sarah Williams)


Nurse D

Monitor oxygen levels for Michael Lee


Nurse C

V. Unit Summary

A. Bed Occupancy

  • Total beds: 20

  • Occupied: 18

  • Available: 2

B. Patient Flow

  • Admissions: 2 new admissions are expected today

    • John Johnson: Admitted for sepsis management

    • Sarah Williams: Admitted for acute kidney injury

  • Discharges: Jane Smith scheduled for discharge

  • Transfers: No transfers anticipated today

C. Resource Management

  • Staffing Levels: Adequate staffing levels for the shift; float nurse on standby.

  • Medical Supplies: Sufficient supplies available, need to reorder IV fluids.

  • Equipment: All equipment functioning well; regular maintenance scheduled for ventilators.

VI. Communication Notes

A. Previous Shift

  • Smooth handover and no major incidents were reported.

  • Alan Brown’s medication dosage was adjusted as per the doctor's orders.

  • Michael Lee required additional nebulizer treatments.

B. Inter-departmental

  • PT department updated on Emma Davis’s progress.

  • The pharmacy was notified of new medication orders for John Doe.

  • Dietary informed of Olivia Clark’s specific meal plan requirements.

  • The dialysis unit was informed of Sarah Williams' new schedule.

C. General Instructions

  • Ensure all patient documentation is up-to-date by the end of the shift.

  • Remind staff to complete patient satisfaction surveys.

  • Check that all emergency equipment is ready and accessible.

  • Communicate any changes in patient status to the medical team promptly.

  • Ensure new admissions are settled and oriented to the unit.

VII. Emergency Protocols

Emergency Type

Protocol Summary

Contact Information

Cardiac Arrest

Initiate CPR, call code blue, use AED

Code Blue Team Ext. 555

Fire Evacuation

Follow evacuation routes, assist patients

Security Ext. 333

Power Outage

Use backup generators, ensure critical equipment is connected

Maintenance Ext. 444

Severe Weather

Secure all windows, move patients away from windows, and follow the hospital's severe weather plan

Emergency Coordination Team Ext. 777

Hazardous Material Spill

Contain spill, call hazmat team, evacuate if necessary

Hazmat Team Ext. 666

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