Free Bullying Investigation Report Template



Free Bullying Investigation Report Template

Bullying Investigation Report

Prepared by:

  • Name: [YOUR NAME]

  • Contact Information: [YOUR EMAIL]

I. Introduction

This report presents the findings and recommendations resulting from an investigation into alleged bullying incidents at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

A. Background

On March 15, 2050, a formal complaint was lodged by Employee B, a member of the Marketing Department, alleging that Employee A engaged in repeated acts of bullying behavior over three months. The complaint detailed instances where Employee A made derogatory remarks about Employee B's work performance in team meetings, excluded Employee B from social gatherings, and undermined their contributions to projects. Employee B reported feeling increasingly isolated and stressed due to these incidents.

B. Objectives

The objectives of this investigation were:

  • To ascertain the veracity of the allegations made by Employee B.

  • To determine whether Employee A's behavior violated company policies on harassment and respectful workplace conduct.

  • To recommend appropriate actions to address the situation and prevent future occurrences of bullying.

II. Methodology

A. Investigative Team

The investigation was led by Brianna Jacobson, HR Manager, who has extensive experience in conducting workplace investigations. She was assisted by two HR specialists trained in handling sensitive employee relations matters.

B. Scope

The scope of the investigation included:

  • Conducting interviews with Employee B (complainant), witnesses (Employees C and D), and the accused (Employee A).

  • Reviewing relevant documents such as email communications and performance evaluations.

  • Assessing the workplace environment and culture within the Marketing Department.

C. Timeline



March 15, 2050

Complaint received and documented by HR.

March 20, 2050

Initial interview conducted with Employee B.

March 25, 2050

Interviews conducted with witnesses (Employees C and D).

April 1, 2050

Interview conducted with Employee A.

April 10, 2050

Analysis of evidence, including witness statements.

April 15, 2050

Final report compiled with findings and recommendations.

III. Findings

A. Summary of Allegations

Employee B alleged that Employee A engaged in bullying behavior by:

  • Making derogatory comments about Employee B's work in public settings.

  • Excluding Employee B from team activities and social gatherings.

  • Undermining Employee B's authority and contributions during collaborative projects.

B. Evidence Gathered

Evidence supporting the allegations included:

  • Witness statements from Employees C and D, who confirmed witnessing instances of derogatory remarks and exclusionary behavior towards Employee B.

  • Email communications showing instances where Employee A disrespectfully criticized Employee B's work.

C. Findings

Based on the investigation:

  • The behavior exhibited by Employee A towards Employee B was found to be consistent with the definition of bullying as per company policy.

  • Employee A's actions violated the company's policies on respectful workplace conduct and harassment.

IV. Analysis and Discussion

A. Policy Compliance

An analysis of company policies revealed that Employee A's behavior violated several sections of the Employee Code of Conduct, including those related to harassment, respectful behavior, and teamwork.

B. Impact Assessment

The alleged bullying had a significant impact on Employee B, including:

  • Decreased morale and motivation.

  • Increased stress and anxiety levels.

  • Negative impact on work performance and productivity.

V. Recommendations

A. Corrective Actions

In light of the findings, the following corrective actions are recommended:

  • Employee A will undergo mandatory training on workplace behavior and anti-bullying policies within 30 days, conducted by an external expert in behavioral psychology.

  • A formal written warning will be issued to Employee A, outlining the consequences of further misconduct and emphasizing the importance of respectful workplace interactions.

  • HR will closely monitor Employee A's interactions with colleagues, with regular check-ins scheduled over the next six months to ensure compliance with behavioral expectations.

B. Preventive Measures

To prevent future incidents of bullying, it is advised to:

  • Implement regular workshops on respectful workplace behavior for all employees, facilitated by HR and external consultants specializing in workplace culture.

  • Enhance HR procedures for handling bullying complaints promptly and confidentially, ensuring that employees feel safe and supported when reporting incidents.

  • Foster a culture of respect and inclusivity through leadership communication, setting clear expectations for behavior, and recognizing positive examples of teamwork and collaboration.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, this investigation has provided valuable insights into the allegations of bullying at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The recommended actions aim to address the issues identified, support the affected parties, and promote a positive and respectful workplace environment where all employees can thrive.

VII. Follow-Up

A. Monitoring and Evaluation

HR will monitor the implementation of recommended actions and evaluate their effectiveness over the next six months. Regular feedback sessions will be conducted with Employee B to assess their well-being and ensure a supportive environment.

B. Communication Plan

Communication with employees regarding the findings and actions taken will be conducted sensitively and transparently. A company-wide email will be sent outlining the importance of respectful workplace conduct and the consequences of violating company policies.

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