Free Meeting Contact Report Template



Free Meeting Contact Report Template

Meeting Contact Report

I. Meeting Overview

Meeting Agenda: Business Development Meeting with Acme Corporation
Meeting Date: 2050-06-15
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Boardroom A


  • John Doe, Business Development Manager

  • Jane Smith, VP of Sales, Acme Corporation

II. Summary

The meeting was held to discuss potential collaboration opportunities between [Your Company Name] and Acme Corporation. We reviewed Acme's current needs and our capabilities, focusing on integrating our software solutions with their upcoming projects. The VP of Sales expressed interest in exploring a pilot project to test feasibility. Both parties agreed to schedule a follow-up technical discussion next month.

III. Action Items

  1. John Doe to follow up by 2050-06-30 regarding the pilot project details.

  2. John Doe to prepare a proposal for Acme outlining the scope and timeline of the pilot project.

  3. Jane Smith to provide John Doe with additional technical specifications by 2050-06-20.

  4. John Doe to arrange a demo of our software solutions for Acme's IT team by 2050-07-05.

IV. Next Steps

  • Schedule technical discussion for 2050-07-10.

  • Coordinate a site visit to the main facility to finalize integration logistics.

  • Conduct a market analysis to identify potential synergies for future collaboration.

Prepared by:

[Your Name]
Executive Assistant

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