Free Safety Inspection Checklist Template



Free Safety Inspection Checklist Template

Safety Inspection Checklist

Prepared by:

[Your Name]


January 11, 2050

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Workplace Environment

  • Ensure all aisles and exits are unobstructed and marked.

  • Verify adequate lighting in all work areas, including emergency exits.

  • Check that all workspaces are clean and free of debris.

  • Ensure proper ventilation and air quality in the workplace.

  • Verify that there are no slip, trip, and fall hazards present.

Fire Safety

  • Confirm that all fire extinguishers are accessible and clearly labeled.

  • Check the maintenance and inspection tags on fire extinguishers.

  • Ensure all fire exits and escape routes are marked and unobstructed.

  • Verify the operation of fire alarms and smoke detectors.

  • Check for the availability of emergency evacuation plans.

Machinery and Equipment

  • Inspect all machinery and equipment for proper operation and safety guards.

  • Ensure all equipment has up-to-date maintenance records.

  • Verify that all operators are trained and certified to use machinery.

  • Check for any frayed cables, exposed wires, or defective parts.

  • Ensure that all personal protective equipment (PPE) is available and used properly.

Chemical Safety

  • Ensure all chemicals are properly labeled and stored according to regulations.

  • Check for the availability of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals.

  • Verify that all employees handling chemicals have received proper training.

  • Inspect all chemical storage areas for leaks and spills.

  • Ensure that all emergency wash stations and showers are functional and accessible.

Employee Health and Safety

  • Verify that all employees have access to first aid kits and medical supplies.

  • Ensure all employees are aware of emergency procedures and contact numbers.

  • Check that all employees receive regular safety training and refreshers.

  • Inspect personal protective equipment (PPE) for proper use and condition.

  • Ensure that break areas are clean and provide adequate facilities.

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