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Simple Banquet Event Oder Checklist

Simple Banquet Event Oder Checklist

The Banquet Event Order (BEO) Checklist outlines all key details required to plan and execute a successful event. It captures important information such as timing, room setup, menu choices, and special requests, ensuring smooth coordination between the organizer and venue.

Banquet Event Order (BEO) Checklist

Event Details:

  • Event Name: ___________________________________

  • Event Date: ___________________________________

  • Event Time: ___________________________________

  • Location/Venue: _______________________________

  • Room Name: ____________________________________

  • Guest Count: ___________________________________

  • Event Contact Person: ___________________________

  • Contact Number: ________________________________

  • Email Address: _________________________________

Event Schedule:

  1. Setup Time: _________________________________

  2. Event Start Time: ____________________________

  3. Event End Time: ______________________________

  4. Breakdown Time: ______________________________

Room Setup:

  • Room Layout:
    ☐ Banquet Rounds
    ☐ U-Shape
    ☐ Theater
    ☐ Classroom
    ☐ Boardroom
    ☐ Other: ______________

  • Number of Tables: _____________________________

  • Number of Chairs: _____________________________

  • Table Linens:
    ☐ White
    ☐ Black
    ☐ Other: ______________

  • Décor/Centerpieces:
    ☐ Provided by Client
    ☐ Provided by Venue
    ☐ None

Audio/Visual (A/V) Requirements:

  • ☐ Microphone (Type: ________________)

  • ☐ Projector

  • ☐ Screen

  • ☐ Speakers

  • ☐ Laptop

  • ☐ WiFi Access

  • ☐ Other: ______________

Menu Selection:

  • Cocktail Reception:
    ☐ Yes
    ☐ No
    Duration: ____________________

  • Appetizers:
    ☐ Passed
    ☐ Stationary
    ☐ Not Applicable

    Appetizer Choices: ___________________________________

  • Main Course:
    ☐ Buffet
    ☐ Plated
    ☐ Family Style

    Menu Choices:

    • Entree 1: __________________________

    • Entree 2: __________________________

    • Vegetarian Option: __________________

  • Dessert Options: ________________________________

  • Beverage Service:
    ☐ Water
    ☐ Coffee/Tea
    ☐ Soft Drinks
    ☐ Wine/Beer
    ☐ Full Bar

Staffing Needs:

  • Wait Staff Required:
    ☐ Yes
    ☐ No
    Quantity: ___________

  • Bartender Required:
    ☐ Yes
    ☐ No
    Quantity: ___________

  • Other Staff Needs: ___________________________

Special Instructions/Requests:

  • Dietary Restrictions:
    ☐ Yes
    ☐ No
    Details: __________________________________________

  • Allergies: _______________________________________

  • Other Special Requests: ___________________________

Billing Information:

  • Payment Method:
    ☐ Credit Card
    ☐ Check
    ☐ Direct Billing
    Total Cost: $_________________________

  • Deposit Amount: $_________________________

  • Balance Due: $_________________________

  • Billing Contact: _________________________________

Final Confirmation:

  • BEO Finalized By: _______________________________

  • Date of Finalization: _____________________________

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