Free Safety Induction Checklist Template



Free Safety Induction Checklist Template

Safety Induction Checklist

General Information



Name of Employee/Contractor:


Date of Induction:

Inductor’s Name:


1. Introduction to Safety Policies

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Explanation of the organization’s safety policies

Overview of employee rights and responsibilities

Introduction to the safety officer/representative

2. Emergency Procedures

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Review of emergency evacuation routes

Location of assembly points

Procedures for reporting emergencies (fire, medical, etc.)

Review of emergency contact numbers

3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Explanation of required PPE for specific tasks

Demonstration of how to properly use PPE

Distribution of PPE items (if applicable)

4. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Overview of common workplace hazards

Procedures for reporting hazards

Importance of conducting risk assessments

5. Safe Work Practices

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Introduction to safe handling of equipment and materials

Review of manual handling techniques

Training on specific machinery or tools (if applicable)

6. Health and Safety Reporting Procedures

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Explanation of how to report injuries or near misses

Overview of incident investigation processes

7. Site-Specific Information

Checklist Item

Completed (✓)

Review of site-specific hazards (e.g., chemicals, noise, etc.)

Introduction to first aid facilities and personnel

Review of site rules and regulations


By signing this checklist, you acknowledge that you have received the safety induction training and understand the safety protocols and procedures relevant to your work environment.

Employee Signature:                               

Inductor Signature:                               

Additional Notes

Any additional training sessions required:

Follow-up date for refresher training:

This Safety Induction Checklist can be tailored to meet specific organizational needs and should be reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with evolving safety regulations and standards.

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