Free Baby Supplies Checklist Template
Baby Supplies Checklist
Prepared by: [Your Name]
I. Clothing
Onesies (5-7)
Sleepers (5-7)
Hats (2-3)
Socks (4-6 pairs)
Swaddles (2-3)
Mittens (2-3 pairs)
Jackets or sweaters (1-2, depending on the season)
Bibs (5-7)
II. Feeding
Bottles (4-6)
Bottle nipples (varying flow rates)
Formula (if not breastfeeding)
Breast pump (manual or electric)
Breast milk storage bags
Bibs (5-7)
Burp cloths (5-7)
High chair (for later use)
Sippy cups (for later stages)
III. Diapering
Diapers (newborn size and size 1; quantity varies)
Wipes (1-2 packs)
Changing pad
Diaper rash cream
Diaper bag
Diaper pail
IV. Bathing
Baby bathtub
Baby shampoo and body wash
Soft washcloths (4-6)
Baby towels (2-3)
Bath toys (optional, for later use)
V. Sleeping
Crib or bassinet
Crib mattress
Fitted crib sheets (2-3)
Swaddles (2-3)
Sleep sacks (for older infants)
Monitor (audio or video)
VI. Health and Safety
Baby thermometer
Nasal aspirator
First aid kit (baby-specific)
Baby monitor
Outlet covers
Cabinet locks
Infant car seat (for safe transportation)