Disciplinary Action Checklist for Employee

Disciplinary Action Checklist for Employee

1. Employee Information

  • Employee Name: Davion Barton

  • Employee ID: 12345

  • Position: Customer Service Representative

  • Department: Customer Support

  • Supervisor/Manager: [Your Name]

  • Date of Incident: October 10, 2050

  • Date of Review: October 15, 2050

2. Incident Details

  • Description of Incident: The employee was observed repeatedly arriving late to work and exhibiting unprofessional behavior towards colleagues and customers.

  • Date and Time of Incident: October 10, 2050, 9:15 AM

  • Location of Incident: Customer Support Office

  • Witnesses (if any): Emily Johnson, Mark Thompson

3. Policy Violations

  • Policies Violated:

  • Attendance Policy

  • Code of Conduct

  • Performance Standards

  • Safety Regulations

  • Harassment Policy

  • Other:                               

4. Previous Disciplinary Actions

  • Date of Last Action: September 5, 2050

  • Type of Action: Verbal Warning

  • Description of Previous Violation(s): Late arrival to work three times in August 2050.

5. Disciplinary Action Recommended

  • Verbal Warning

  • Written Warning

  • Final Written Warning

  • Suspension (length):                               

  • Termination

  • Other:                               

6. Action Justification

  • Reason for Disciplinary Action: Repeated lateness and unprofessional behavior, despite prior warnings, affecting team morale and customer satisfaction.

  • Expected Changes in Behavior/Performance: Improvement in punctuality and professional conduct during interactions with customers and colleagues.

  • Timeline for Improvement: Immediate improvement is required, with a follow-up review scheduled for October 30, 2050.

7. Employee Response

  • Employee’s Comments: "I understand that my behavior has not met expectations. I will make a concerted effort to improve my attendance and professionalism."

  • Date: October 15, 2050

8. Supervisor/Manager Review

  • Supervisor/Manager Name: [Your Name]

  • Date: October 15, 2050

9. Follow-Up Actions

  • Next Review Date: October 30, 2050

  • Additional Training/Support Needed: Time management workshop recommended.

  • Plan for Monitoring Progress: Weekly check-ins to assess improvement and provide feedback.

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