File Audit to Employee Checklist

File Audit to Employee Checklist

General Information

  • Employee Name: Dell Stokes

  • Employee ID: 123456

  • Department: Marketing

  • Auditor Name: [Your Name]

  • Audit Date: October 17, 2050

Checklist Items

File Organization

  • Employee files are organized consistently.

  • Files are stored securely (physical/digital).

  • Appropriate access controls are in place for sensitive information.

Employee Documentation

  • Employment application/resume is present.

  • An offer letter/contract is included.

  • Tax forms (e.g., W-4, I-9) are on file.

  • Background check documentation is included (if applicable).

Performance and Development

  • Performance evaluations are documented and signed.

  • Training and development records are maintained.

  • Promotions or disciplinary actions are documented.

Compensation and Benefits

  • Payroll records are up to date.

  • Benefit enrollment forms are present.

  • Records of any salary changes or bonuses are documented.

Compliance and Legal

  • All mandatory employee documents are signed and dated.

  • Records of any grievances or complaints are on file.

  • Documentation of employee’s rights and responsibilities is provided.

Termination and Exit Documentation

  • Exit interview records are completed.

  • Final pay and benefits information is documented.

  • Return of company property is recorded.

Retention and Disposal

  • Employee files are retained per company policy and legal requirements.

  • Documentation of any file destruction is maintained.

Auditor's Signature: [Your Name]

Date: October 17, 2050


  • Review each item carefully.

  • Check off each item as it is verified.

  • Provide comments or additional notes as necessary.

  • Ensure that all findings are documented and follow up on any discrepancies.

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