Free Aesthetic Brakes and Suspension Inspection Checklist Template



Free Aesthetic Brakes and Suspension Inspection Checklist Template

Aesthetic Brakes and Suspension Inspection Checklist

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Brakes Inspection

1. Brake Pads and Shoes

  • Check for visible wear on brake pads or shoes.

  • Inspect for even wear patterns; check for grooves or uneven surfaces.

  • Examine for signs of excessive dust or debris buildup around the pads.

2. Brake Rotors/Discs

  • Visually inspect brake rotors for any signs of scoring, grooves, or cracks.

  • Check for rust buildup or discoloration.

  • Ensure the rotors are evenly mounted and free from excessive dirt or grease.

3. Brake Lines and Hoses

  • Look for any visible signs of leakage or fluid stains.

  • Inspect the brake lines and hoses for cracks, bulges, or signs of wear.

  • Ensure hoses are securely fastened and not rubbing against other parts.

4. Brake Calipers

  • Check for visible damage or leakage around the caliper pistons.

  • Inspect the condition of the paint or finish for any signs of rust, corrosion, or chipping.

  • Ensure calipers are evenly mounted and functioning properly.

5. Brake Fluid Reservoir

  • Visually inspect the brake fluid reservoir for proper fluid levels.

  • Check for any signs of leakage around the reservoir cap or housing.

  • Ensure the reservoir is clean, free from dirt, and properly sealed.

Suspension Inspection

1. Shock Absorbers

  • Check for visible damage, such as cracks, dents, or oil leakage.

  • Inspect the condition of the shock absorber mounts for signs of wear or loosening.

  • Ensure the absorbers are free from rust and other corrosion-related issues.

2. Springs

  • Look for any broken, cracked, or misaligned springs.

  • Check for rust or corrosion, especially around the spring coils.

  • Inspect for signs of excessive wear on spring mounts.

3. Control Arms and Bushings

  • Inspect control arms for signs of bending, wear, or corrosion.

  • Check bushings for cracks or splitting that could affect suspension performance.

  • Ensure all control arm mounts are secure and free from rust.

4. Ball Joints and Tie Rods

  • Visually inspect ball joints for any signs of wear or damage.

  • Check tie rods for signs of corrosion or bending.

  • Ensure that all joints are properly lubricated and functioning smoothly.

5. Suspension Mounting Points

  • Check suspension mounts for any signs of rust, corrosion, or cracking.

  • Ensure all bolts, nuts, and fasteners are properly tightened.

  • Inspect for any signs of excessive wear or damage around mounting points.

6. Wheel Alignment and Tension

  • Check for uneven tire wear, which may indicate misalignment.

  • Inspect suspension components for damage that could affect alignment.

  • Ensure suspension components are properly tensioned to prevent instability.

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