Free Safety Inspection Task Checklist Template
Safety Inspection Task Checklist
Date of Inspection: January 9, 2050
Location: ApexCorp Manufacturing Plant, 123 Industrial Rd., Springfield, IL 62701
Inspector Name: [Your Name]
Supervisor/Manager Name: Tom Walter
I. General Workplace Safety
Ensure all exit routes are marked and unobstructed.
Verify that fire extinguishers are accessible and properly maintained.
Confirm that first aid kits are fully stocked and easily accessible.
Check that emergency contact numbers are posted in visible areas.
Ensure the area is free from tripping hazards (e.g., cords, debris).
II. Equipment Safety
Inspect that all machines and equipment are properly maintained and inspected.
Verify that guards and safety shields are in place on machinery.
Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided and in good condition.
Confirm that warning signs and labels are visible on hazardous equipment.
Check that electrical panels and outlets are free from obstruction.
III. Fire Safety
Ensure fire exits are clearly labeled and unlocked.
Confirm that fire drills are conducted regularly.
Verify that smoke alarms and sprinklers are functional.
Ensure fire hoses, alarms, and extinguishers are easily accessible.
IV. Chemical and Hazardous Material Safety
Check that hazardous materials are properly labeled and stored.
Confirm that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available and accessible.
Ensure chemical spill containment procedures are in place.
Verify that employees are trained in handling hazardous materials.
V. Housekeeping and Cleanliness
Ensure floors are clean and dry, free from spills or debris.
Confirm that waste bins are regularly emptied and properly maintained.
Check that workstations and storage areas are organized and tidy.
VI. Observations and Comments
VII. Corrective Actions Required
No Action Required
Action Taken:
Further Action Needed:
Inspector’s Signature: [Your Name]
Date: January 9, 2050
Supervisor/Manager’s Signature: Tom Walter
Date: January 9, 2050