Free Training Sign-Off Sheet Template

Training Sign-Off Sheet

Training Program Title:

Date of Training:


Customer Service Excellence

March 15, 2053

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] Headquarters


  • Alfonso Jewel

  • Johan Green

Participant Information:

  • Name: [YOUR NAME]

  • Department: Customer Support

  • Position: Customer Service Representative

Training Objectives:

  • Enhance communication skills for handling customer inquiries

  • Develop effective problem-solving techniques

  • Improve conflict resolution abilities

  • Strengthen teamwork and collaboration in customer service

Training Content Summary:

  • Introduction to Customer Service Excellence

  • Communication strategies and techniques

  • Practical exercises in problem-solving and conflict resolution

  • Team-building activities and case studies

Participant Feedback:

  1. What was the most beneficial aspect of the training?
    The role-playing scenarios were extremely helpful in preparing me for real-world customer interactions.

  2. What could be improved for future training sessions?
    More time could be dedicated to handling difficult customer complaints and resolving them efficiently.

Acknowledgment and Agreement:

By signing below, I confirm that I have participated in the training session and have received the necessary instruction. I acknowledge the information provided and understand the content discussed.

Participant's Signature:
Date: March 15, 2053

Trainer's Signature:
Alfonso Jewel
Date: March 15, 2053

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