Free Restaurant Hygiene Checklist Template



Free Restaurant Hygiene Checklist Template

Restaurant Hygiene Checklist




[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

I. Personal Hygiene

  • Staff are properly attired in clean uniforms, hairnets, and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and aprons.

  • Employees practice good personal hygiene, including frequent handwashing with soap and warm water, especially after handling raw food, using the restroom, or touching their face or hair.

II. Food Storage and Handling

  • Raw food items are stored separately from cooked or ready-to-eat foods to prevent cross-contamination.

  • Perishable foods are stored at proper temperatures in refrigerators or freezers to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage.

  • Food containers are properly labeled with the date of preparation and expiration date to ensure proper rotation and minimize food waste.

III. Food Preparation Surfaces and Equipment

  • Food preparation surfaces, cutting boards, and kitchen equipment are cleaned and sanitized regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria and pathogens.

  • Kitchen utensils, knives, and cooking equipment are washed, rinsed, and sanitized after each use to prevent cross-contamination.

IV. Dishwashing and sanitation:

  • Dishwashing sinks and equipment are cleaned and sanitized regularly to ensure proper hygiene and prevent the spread of germs.

  • Dishwashing detergents and sanitizers are used according to manufacturer instructions and at appropriate concentrations.

V. Sanitation of Dining Areas:

  • Dining tables, chairs, and high-touch surfaces such as menus, condiment containers, and salt and pepper shakers are cleaned and sanitized between each seating or customer use.

  • Restrooms are cleaned and stocked with hand soap, paper towels, and toilet paper, and checked regularly for cleanliness and hygiene.

VI. Pest Control and Waste Management:

  • Regular pest control measures are implemented to prevent infestations of insects, rodents, or other pests.

  • Waste bins and garbage disposal areas are emptied and cleaned regularly to prevent odors and the attraction of pests.

VII. Water and Ice Safety

  • Ice machines and water dispensers are cleaned and sanitized regularly to prevent bacterial contamination.

  • Ice scoops are stored in a clean, dry location and not directly in contact with ice to prevent contamination.

VIII. Employee Training and Monitoring

  • Staff are trained on proper food handling, sanitation practices, and hygiene protocols.

  • Regular inspections and monitoring are conducted to ensure compliance with hygiene standards and identify areas for improvement.

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