Free Baby Autism Checklist Template



Free Baby Autism Checklist Template

Early Autism Signs Checklist

This checklist is compiled with autism-specific observation points, devised by [YOUR NAME], to assist parents in monitoring and identifying early signs of autism spectrum disorder in their child's daily behavior and development. It aims to ensure balance in their regular diet and increase the productivity of early intervention efforts. Please adhere to this checklist daily to ensure comprehensive tracking.

Social Interaction:



Limited eye contact

Does your baby avoid making eye contact or seem disinterested when you try to engage them visually?

Lack of response to name

Does your baby not respond when you call their name, even after repeated attempts?

Limited facial expressions

Does your baby show limited facial expressions, such as smiling or reacting to your expressions?

Difficulty with social cues

Does your baby seem unaware of social cues or gestures, such as not responding to waving or pointing?




Delayed babbling

Does your baby not babble or produce simple sounds by around 6-9 months of age?

Lack of gestures

Does your baby not use gestures like pointing, waving, or reaching to communicate?

Limited vocalization

Does your baby have limited vocalization, such as not making cooing sounds or attempting to mimic sounds?

Lack of interest in communication

Does your baby seem disinterested in communicating with you or others, such as not responding to attempts to initiate interaction?

Behavioral Patterns:



Repetitive movements

Does your baby engage in repetitive movements, such as hand-flapping, rocking, or spinning objects?

Fixation on objects

Does your baby fixate on objects or parts of objects, showing little interest in other things?

Sensory sensitivities

Does your baby seem overly sensitive or under-sensitive to sensory stimuli, such as lights, sounds, textures, or smells?

Resistance to change

Does your baby become upset or distressed with changes in routine or environment?

Other Signs:



Delayed milestones

Is your baby significantly delayed in reaching developmental milestones, such as crawling, sitting up, or walking?

Unusual play behavior

Does your baby engage in play repetitively or unusually, such as lining up toys instead of engaging in imaginative play?

Intense focus

Does your baby show intense focus or fascination with certain objects or activities to the exclusion of others?

Difficulty with transitions

Does your baby struggle with transitions between activities or environments, becoming upset or agitated?

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