Free 7 Months Baby Milestone Checklist Template



Free 7 Months Baby Milestone Checklist Template

7-Month Baby Development Checklist

This checklist, created by [YOUR NAME], is carefully designed to help you track and celebrate your baby's developmental achievements at 7 months. Use this guide to track your baby's development across various areas including physical, cognitive, communication, social skills, feeding, sleep patterns, and healthcare. Happy parenting!




Physical Development:

Sitting Up

  • Baby can sit steadily without support for an extended period.

Rolling Over

  • Baby can roll from back to stomach and vice versa.


  • Some babies may start to crawl or scoot around on their bellies.


  • Improved ability to grasp objects with fingers and transfer them from one hand to another.

Hand-Eye Coordination

  • Beginning to pick up small objects with thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp).

Cognitive Development:

Object Permanence

  • Understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.


  • Curiosity about objects and surroundings, showing interest in exploring their environment.


  • May recognize familiar faces and objects.

Cause and Effect

  • Beginning to understand simple cause-and-effect relationships, like dropping a toy to see it fall.

Communication and Social Development:


  • More varied babbling sounds, potentially imitating simple sounds or words.

Responding to Name

  • Reacting when their name is called.

Social Interaction

  • Enjoying social interactions, smiling, laughing, and engaging with caregivers.

Initiating Play

  • Initiating simple games like peek-a-boo or reaching out to interact with toys.

Emotional Expression

  • Demonstrating a range of emotions, including joy, frustration, and excitement.

Feeding and Motor Skills:


  • May start to show interest in self-feeding with fingers and attempting to hold a bottle or sippy cup.


  • Experimenting with chewing soft, mashed foods and gradually moving towards more textured foods.

Motor Skills

  • Improved hand-mouth coordination, bringing objects to mouth more accurately.

Sleep Patterns:

Nap Schedule

  • Establishing a consistent nap schedule with 2-3 naps during the day.

Nighttime Sleep

  • May be sleeping longer stretches at night, although night waking is still common.

Healthcare and Safety:


  • Following the recommended vaccination schedule.


  • Ensuring a safe environment for exploration, covering electrical outlets, securing furniture, and removing small choking hazards.

Dental Care

  • Introducing dental hygiene practices like wiping gums after feeding and scheduling a first dental checkup.

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