Restaurant Weekly Checklist

Restaurant Weekly Checklist

Objective: This checklist is designed to streamline operations, maintain high standards, and ensure comprehensive management across all aspects of the restaurant. It serves to organize tasks for kitchen operations, front of house management, health and safety compliance, marketing and customer engagement, and financial management.

I. Kitchen Operations

  • Verify Inventory: Check levels for all ingredients to ensure sufficient supplies for the week.

  • Equipment Check: Ensure all kitchen equipment is functional and ready for use.

  • Menu Planning: Develop and finalize weekly menu specials.

  • Deep Cleaning: Conduct a thorough cleaning of the kitchen area.

  • First Aid Kit: Inspect and restock the first aid kit as necessary.

II. Front of House Management

  • Furniture and Decor Inspection: Assess the condition of furniture and decor to maintain a welcoming environment.

  • Customer Service Training: Refresh staff on customer service protocols to ensure excellence.

  • Reservation System Review: Check the reservation system for accuracy and efficiency.

  • Staff Scheduling: Organize and confirm the week’s schedule for all front-of-house staff.

  • Menu Maintenance: Ensure all menus are current and in excellent condition.

III. Health & Safety Compliance

  • Pest Control Inspection: Schedule and confirm the upcoming pest control inspections.

  • Safety Detectors Check: Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for functionality.

  • Emergency Procedures: Review and conduct a drill for emergency evacuation procedures.

  • Health Regulation Training: Train staff on the latest health regulations and compliance.

  • Sanitization Stations: Check and restock all sanitization stations.

IV. Marketing & Customer Engagement

  • Customer Feedback Analysis: Review and analyze feedback from customer surveys to identify improvement areas.

  • Social Media Updates: Regularly update social media pages with information on upcoming events and specials.

  • Promotional Campaigns: Plan and initiate a promotional campaign for new menu items.

  • Press Releases: Prepare and distribute press releases for major upcoming events.

  • Local Collaboration: Seek and establish cross-promotion opportunities with local businesses.

V. Financial Management

  • Profit and Loss Review: Analyze weekly profits and losses to gauge financial health.

  • Transaction Audit: Conduct a detailed audit of recent financial transactions.

  • Food Cost Analysis: Review and adjust food cost percentages to optimize profitability.

  • Payroll Verification: Confirm accuracy of employee payroll before submission.

  • Budget Review: Assess and adjust the monthly budget as needed based on current financial status.

This checklist is to be used weekly to ensure all areas of [Your Company Name] are operating efficiently and at the highest standard. Managers are responsible for completing each section and signing off upon completion to ensure accountability and thoroughness.

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