Free Sample University Department Budget Template

Sample University Department Budget

Department Name: Department of Computer Science
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2050 – June 30, 2051

Prepared By: [Your Name]

1. Income Sources

Income Category

Projected Amount (USD)

Tuition Allocation


Research Grants




External Sponsorships


Miscellaneous Income (Workshops)


Total Income


2. Expenses

Expense Category

Projected Amount (USD)

Faculty Salaries


Staff Salaries


Student Assistantships


Office Supplies and Materials


Travel and Conferences


Equipment and Software


Facility Maintenance


Marketing and Outreach


Miscellaneous Costs


Total Expenses


3. Summary


Amount (USD)

Total Income


Total Expenses


Net Surplus


4. Notes

  • Faculty Salaries: Includes full-time and adjunct faculty compensation.

  • Equipment and Software: Includes upgrading lab equipment and purchasing new licenses for AI research tools.

  • Travel and Conferences: Supports faculty presenting at global conferences and hosting department-related events.

  • Marketing and Outreach: Targets increasing enrollment through online campaigns.

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